Help protect your organization by using the knowledge gained in this course to correctly manage business databases. With this training, you learn the essential skills for administering SQL Server databases, and gain extensive experience using SQL Server tools to perform real-world administrative tasks with SQL Server Management Studio and Transact-SQL.
SQL Server Database Administration Delivery Methods
Hands-On Instructor-Led Training
4thdacad Exam
After Course Instructor Coaching
SQL Server Database Administration Course Benefits
Configure and manage SQL Server databases
Ensure SQL Server security with logins, roles, users, and permissions
Develop backup strategies and recover from disasters
Leverage SQL Server Agent to automate administrative tasks
Isolate and repair fragmentation and database corruption
SQL Server Database Administration Course Outline
Important SQL Server Database Administration Course Information
Relational database experience
Working knowledge of computers and a familiarity with Microsoft Windows
SQL programming experience is helpful, but not required
Audience Profile
This course is helpful to those who are new to SQL Server administration and who will be responsible for administering SQL Server. A basic understanding of SQL Server or experience at the level of Microsoft SQL Server® Training Course is required..
Exam Information
Optional 4thdacad exam is available at the end of class.
SQL Server Database Administration Course Outline